Do you sit reading fairy tales to your children, or remember childhood, tales of princesses, knights and happy ever afters?
Life really is like a fairy tale - we just forget to see it that way sometimes. How? Well let’s take that story of the Princess and her ‘evil’ stepmother and how the Princess was banished to the forest to be executed. So the Princess’s life started off happily, playing in the castle without a care in the world, surrounded by people she loved, feeling safe and secure. Life events, such as the loss of her mother, meant her life was turned upside down. Not only losing someone she dearly loved but also feeling like an outsider in her own place of safety. Fast forward a few years and jealousy from her stepmother meant the princess was outcast from the castle. Did this make the Princess bitter and angry? No. She adapted to her new role, not judging others (like the Dwarves) for their size, attitudes or life choices. Eventually she did meet her Princess Charming just by being herself. If we look back and think about most fairy tales we only remember the good parts. The Princess, the friendships she made. But if you look at almost any fairy tale, the main character had to overcome a lot of adversity to get there. Isn’t it about time you took control of your own fairy tale? Not blaming others for the last chapter but realising you really can make your fairy tale have its own happy ending? If you need help writing that next chapter in your book, why not consider hypnotherapy? Think of hypnotherapy as a perfect pair of reading glasses that helps you to see the pages for what they really are, just a story where you really do have control of having that… ‘Happy ever after’.
![]() How many times have you sat in a meeting at the office and, in your mind, been on that last beach holiday? Or walking around a local supermarket, remembering the last time you picked up that certain food and reminiscing about a night you had with friends or family. When people ask me to describe how hypnotherapy feels, I usually describe a daydream-like state as one of my comparisons. In a deeply relaxed state, the mind can be allowed to focus on making sense of everything that is going on around us. Kids are great daydreamers. I am sure most of you remember playground games, where you lived in a castle or were being chased by a dragon. I am not saying you have to go back to that daydream childlike state, but wouldn’t it be great to be able to take yourself away from it all, for a short period of time, to sort out what’s going on in the subconscious mind. You can with hypnotherapy. Think of it like a giving yourself a bit of ‘ME’ time. Pure self indulgence. Why not pop along to my show at the Chequer Mead on the 24th of September where I’ll be talking about taking ‘A Weight off your Mind’ or come and see me at the Sussex Women’s show on the 27th and 28th of September. If you would like to know more about healthy eating and how changing your mind about food can help you lose weight. Drop me a email [email protected] or give me a call on 07801 941949 For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() When you first hear the word ‘relationship’ you may automatically think I am talking about a lover, a partner or spouse. Relationships are more than this. We have relationships with all those around us, friends, family, the shopkeeper from the local shop that hands you your newspaper each day, and many others. If I asked you to create a circle with ten layers in it, each one numbered by how important you are compared to other people, I wonder where you would place yourself in comparison to them? Let me give you an example. You have been in a relationship for many years, so you would place yourself on the same circle as your partner. In a social situation you feel inferior to the opposite sex, reluctant to join in conversations, worried that everyone will laugh at some incorrect comment you may make. How about allowing hypnotherapy to help with gaining a whole new perspective on your social status? Some of the areas I have worked on with individuals are: Feeling an equal partner in a relationship Helping you to appreciate your own position in society. Everyone is important, no matter what or who they are. Helping you to open up, allowing other near them for future relationships, whether this is for friendship or a sexual relationship So let’s start today building that positive relationship you have with YOU first right now. Book in for my ‘A Weight of your Mind’ interactive weight loss seminar at the Chequer Mead Arts Centre in East Grinstead on the 24th of September. I’m giving a free group weight loss hypnotherapy session at the end of the event. Or come and visit me at the Sussex Women’s Show, Brighton Racecourse on the 27th to 28th September. I will also be giving two 20 minute talks at this show. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() Some people in our lives encourage us to go out and explore. Others, though, may discourage us and hold us back from our dreams and goals. Or sometimes the doubting part of our mind takes over and prevents the true explorer within us from flourishing. Let me give you an example... You really want to lose weight but the doubting part of your mind says ‘I tried it before and I couldn’t keep it up’. Or maybe articles in the news and press are bombarding you, telling you that you can lose weight with this tablet or that diet. Well how about creating your own plan? How can YOU do that? I can help you take back control of the doubting part of you that kicks in every time you hit a bad patch on a diet or fitness regime. Occasionally you will fancy that cream cake when you’re on a diet. Don’t punish yourself for it, just allow your mind to realise it’s allowed an occasional treat. Think of your body and mind as an empty cupboard or maybe a cupboard with some out-of-date tins. What would you put back in that cupboard to restock for a healthy body and mind? Maybe an exercise tin or two, some healthy food tins and even the odd treat tin for one of those bad days that we all have occasionally. Hypnotherapy may be another one of those tins. Hypnotherapy allows your subconscious mind to work at it best. I have worked with many clients over the years, allowing them to throw out some of those unwanted out-of-date tins and replace them with fresh, new, motivational tins. With me you not only get a valuable hypnotherapy tin, you have the added bonus of a sports therapist tin too! So if you’d like a hand with your tin cupboard why not give me a call? Book in for my ‘A Weight of your Mind’ interactive seminar at the Chequer Mead Arts Centre in East Grinstead on the 24th of September. Or come and visit me at the Sussex Women’s Show, Brighton Racecourse on the 27th to 28th September. I will also be give two 20 minute talks at this show. For more information please sign up to my mailing list at The latest newsletter is here I look forward to meeting you at the shows. Becky [email protected] . The school holidays have only just begun and the kids are already running out of exciting things to do!
Now some of you may know I was brought up in a small town called Crawley. My youth was spent playing in the local woods; climbing trees, playing hide and seek and generally enjoying myself without the aid of a computer console. What do I think this helped with as an adult? Well the greatest dreams were created in those times about my future. That local forest became my Narnia. As I stepped into the entrance of the park nothing else really mattered. We’d find trees to swing from and like elves from the forest other children would join in with the fun and games. We never thought about being bored, we didn’t have time. We were busy chasing away the fire breathing dragons or hiding from the invisible witch that lived down the black alley. Children these days are not always allowed to set their imagination free. As a hypnotherapist the daydream is a powerful tool. During a hypnotherapy session a client is encouraged into a relaxed daydream type state. Whilst relaxed the therapist encourages them to change how they view certain feelings or events in their life to a more positive way. So if you’re off with your kids this school holiday, why not relive your childhood? Show your kids how a forest such as Tilgate Park ( in Crawley can be the place where their character is formed and their sense of independence is encouraged. And if you slay a few of your own dragons whilst you’re there, even better. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK I wonder how many of you have fish each and every week? Do you buy it from the supermarket or fresh off the boat from the sea?
Last week I was visiting Forest Row and stumbled across Veasey and Sons fishmongers Full of fish caught fresh off the coast of Eastbourne in the morning. So I decided to try the tuna steak, and I must say I wasn’t disappointed. The fish was so fresh I could have imagined I’d just pulled it out of the ocean. It was probably the tenderest tuna I have ever tasted. I do know that tuna is not from the UK but I was fortunate enough to see it freshly caught when in Mauritius earlier in the year. They were Sussex Food and Drink award winners for 2012/13, so I think that tells you just how great their food is. I’ll be going back for more. So why is fish good for you? It contains something called Omega-3 fatty acids, which help in lowering blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, boost immunity and improve arthritis symptoms. They are currently researching if it improves children’s learning ability . Eating one to two servings a week of fish, particularly fish that's rich in omega-3 fatty acids, appears to reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly sudden cardiac death. Fatty fish, such as salmon, herring and maybe to a lesser extent tuna, contain the higher level of omega-3 fatty acids and therefore probably offer the most benefit, but many types of seafood contain small amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. At this rate I might even have to make it a Salmon Saturday. So why not pull up your anchor and set sail for Veasey and Sons in Forest Row. I am pretty sure you won’t be disappointed with your catch. Why not book yourself in to 'a weight off your mind' interactive evening seminar being held on 24th September at the Chequer Mead in East Grinstead. Tickets will be available from the Chequer Mead Box office Box Office: 01342 302000 E-mail: [email protected] or by contacting me directly. If you would like to know more about healthy eating and how changing your mind about food can help you lose weight. Drop me a email [email protected] or give me a call on 07801 941949. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() After seeing a couple of clients today, it reminded me why I think I am good at what I do. With all my clients, whether they are hypnotherapy, Personal Training or sports massage clients, I try to put myself in their shoes, so to speak. No I don’t have some strange foot fetish before you start to wonder, I mean in the metaphorical sense. Let’s take, for example, a highly skilled executive that comes to see me. When I first met him he came across as bold, confident and sometimes quite abrupt. What I might find underneath is an unconfident introvert inside an extrovert shell. What I try to do with my skills is unravel the layers of protection that have been built up, a bit like an onion with its outer layer thickened by the environment. I help take the layers off one by one until I reach the centre, then, and almost as important, I help them to use those layers to make something even better. So if you would like a hand unpeeling that onion, I have the utensils to give you a hand. I’ll even give you a tissue if it makes your eyes water. As we know teardrops are made of 1% water ![]() If you are anything like me you’ll have hundreds of clothes in your cupboards and drawers but you are drawn to go out in the same comfy outfit. It’s a bit like some of those habits we picked up, nail biting, hair pulling, and maybe even blushing. So how have I helped people by using Hypnotherapy? By focusing on the positive aspects and replacing bad thought patterns with good ones in the subconscious, clients report almost instant relief as they feel free of the limiting habits. Do you have a habit you wish you could kick? Let me help you line up the goal posts to set up that perfect shot. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Trying to write a blog tonight but my mind is rather blank. Do you ever have one of those days when nothing sticks and your mind appears to have come in a non-stick variety? It started to make me realise it’s a bit like our daily life. We start with a blank page and fill it with thoughts, feelings and emotions gradually throughout the day. If you could write your own page out with no restrictions I wonder what it would read like? Would you be writing about getting up at a later time than you have to? Would you be working somewhere completely different or maybe lying on a beach somewhere instead? Find a page in a diary or just a blank piece of paper. Write down your ideal day, how you’d feel, and then I challenge to do it. I know some of you have already started on them. If for some of those changes you need an extra hand, you know where I am. Becky For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Too much talking last week, now I’m losing my voice. It’s so important to remember one’s own advice sometimes and take a ‘time out’. Put down the phones, pack away the computers and allow yourself some ‘me time’. I am as guilty as everyone else of picking up the phone to check, just in case! Tonight I can’t I’ve left it in Tinsley Green, and do I miss it? No I don’t! There are so many ways you can just enjoy the moment. Take a walk in the country with your phone turned off, meditate, or book in for a hypnotherapy relaxation session with me. Even if you don’t feel you need hypnotherapy for anything in particular, that 30 minute time out is so refreshing. Imagine being able to go into a meeting focused, full of energy and refreshed. Hypnotherapy lunchtime power booster, now there’s an idea. If you want to take your lunch break imagining you’re on a beach, or relaxing in a hammock planning your next strategy, give me a call and I’ll give you a lift up to that perfect place to relax for you. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018