![]() Many people spend a lifetime falling in and out of bad relationships. Fearing being alone and hoping that happiness can be found in the arms of a partner. The truth is that happiness comes from within, and without the ability to love yourself you will find it very difficult to accept love or even give love. This month we are going to tackle the tricky business of love. We are going to start by looking at our relationship with ourselves. How do we view ourselves? What perception do we give out to the world? Could we work harder at loving ourselves? In this manic 24/7 world we live in and with the rise of social media, it has become the norm to give out a positive perception to the rest of the world. How many times do you edit a photo before posting it to your wall? Do you spend time looking at the photos of friends and peers and wishing you too could be as happy or as perfect. Do you flip through the glossy magazines and envy the glamorous celebs and then beat yourself up because you don’t look that way? It’s very common and a lot more people than you think do it. However it’s time to break the cycle. If you must compare yourself to anyone don’t make a comparison with an airbrushed picture. Find somebody whose attitude to life is inspiring. True beauty shines through from within when you are happy. You give off a natural glow, a charm that people are attracted to. I would like you to try an exercise, beginning with looking at yourself in the mirror and finding three things that you like about yourself and say it out loud. ‘I have nice eyes’ or ‘my hair is really glossy’. Try looking again and remind yourself out loud what personality traits you have that are good. Saying these things out loud re-enforces your positive self-image. We all like to hear it and hearing it from yourself is just as good and can be even more meaningful. For more information about affirmations and how they can help you go to my web page and see my blogs. Becky For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK
![]() Scientist says we are only born with a fear of loud noises and a fear of falling. All other fears are learnt behaviours. In my work as a hypnotherapist, I often work with individuals who have fears through a learnt behaviour. The trigger doesn’t always have to be a physical experience. An example of this is the client that comes to me with the ‘What if’ or ‘I can’t because’ or the parent saying to the child ‘this happened to my friend’. The seed is then sown. With it being bonfire night there were a lot of loud fireworks going off. I discovered that my own year old dog had a fear of them. I do not know how, as I have only had her eight months. Initially on the first night, I think we probably heightened her fear by making a lot of fuss. Basically praising and therefore heightening her negative awareness of the noises. So what did I do? I encouraged her to relax in the situation. No I didn’t give her hypnotherapy. We used a plug in diffuser and a jacket called a thunder jacket (reminded me of the hug in mug advert). When working with a client I find the art of relaxation gets bypassed and the ‘fight or flight’ controlled by our brains has kicked in before it actually needs to. There must be a lot of prehistoric mammals (otherwise known as memories) out there chasing us. Working with my clients I know in heart that I cannot undo the past. What I work with them on is making ‘the now’ a moment they can control. A client recently came to me for a fear of loud noises, bad weather etc. I recently received a text from them telling me they’d heard a clap of thunder and jumped like any of us would, but that was all and had stayed perfectly calm after. I recently watched a fantastic video on UPWorthy about Happiness and being in the moment. Make 10 mins to watch it, it’s an amazing video. I love the little girl telling the story about standing at a door and then using her imagination to describe what may behind. How about closing your eyes right now and imagining opening that door. What colour door is it? s it a cool metal handle or just one you push open? I wonder where you’ve gone to? Whilst you're there really experience what’s behind it. If it’s outside feel the touch of nature. Wind, sun, water. If you’re in a room look around at the old photos, your favourite comfy chair. Who knows what’s in that room? Even allow your mind to subconsciously pick up and touch objects. Well done you just experienced self hypnosis. Take 10 mins after reading this to watch this great little YouTube video. I think you’ll enjoy it. http://www.upworthy.com/clear-your-next-10-minutes-because-this-video-could-change-how-happy-you-are-with-your-entire-week. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK How fresh can your vegetables be? How about freshly picked or pulled from the ground? Just a couple of miles down the road from where I live is a place called Tulley’s Farm. Now this place always reminds me of an Aladdin’s cave. With things you didn’t even know you needed, until you got there, including zombies at their Halloween spooktacular!
They have just opened their PYO (pick your own) fields for people to pick strawberries and Raspberries. Imagine a fresh fruit salad picked from the field, washed and straight on your plate a few hours later. So what is the advantage of having fruit fresh from the branches? As soon as fruit is picked it starts to break down naturally. Eating it within a few hours means you get the most benefit from its essential vitamins and other nutritional benefits. A slice of raw fruit such as pineapple contains over 130% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Also important they can help to ward off those sweet tooth cravings. Fruit contains a natural sugar which shouldn’t be eaten in large quantities but is a great substitute for raw sugar. Eating fruits with skins on also helps our body build more energy as we eat, because of the need to break down the fibre of their outer skins. So next time you pick up an apple or other such fruit, why not try locally to source them? You’ll know exactly where they’ve come from and I’m pretty sure they’ll taste a lot fresher. If you’re lucky enough to be in West Sussex pop down to Tulley’s Farm. For details visit their website at http://www.tulleysfarm.com/pick-your-own-latest-news or visit their twitter @Tulleys_farm. What local farm shops do you have in your area? Share them with us and let’s boost local. Why not book yourself into 'a weight off your mind' interactive evening seminar being held on 24th September at the Chequer Mead in East Grinstead. Tickets will be available from the Chequer Mead Box Office: 01342 302000 E-mail: [email protected] or by contacting me directly. If you would like to know more about healthy eating and how changing your mind about food can help you lose weight, drop me a email at [email protected] or give me a call on 07801 941949 For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK I was looking at all the fresh fruit and vegetables over the weekend. It’s amazing, not only the colours that the natural world produces, but the health benefits some can have for our body.
How many of you cook your vegetable to within an inch of their life, or know someone who does? Did you know by leaving your vegetables crispy, your body will burn off more calories as it breaks the food down. Mushy vegetables are already well on their way to being broken back down into their sugary form that our body needs to fuel us. Also look at fruit and vegetables that are in season. In the UK fruit and vegetables such as french beans, apricots, cherries, cucumber, rocket, tomato and watercress are all freshly available this time of year. Why not grow your own in a small trough or herbs in a flowerpot on a window. Try fresh salads for lunch. I know in East Grinstead the New York Coffee Shop are currently selling the most mouthwateringly fresh salads, created by the staff on a daily basis. You can visit their website www.newyorkcoffeeclub.co.uk/ or pop down to their cafe in Brighton. The smoothies are pretty amazing too, I have tested them several times, just to make sure obviously. Also who could resist those amazing smiles from the staff. So see how much better you feel and how much more energy you have by using nature’s shopping list, I challenge you. Let me know about other foods and how their health benefits have helped you. Book yourself in to 'a weight off your mind' interactive evening seminar being held on 24th Sept at the Chequers Mead in East Grinstead. Tickets will be available directly from the Chequers Mead Box office or by contacting me directly. If you would like to know more about how changing your mind around food can help you lose weight. Drop me a email via my [email protected] or give me a call on 07801 941949. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK After great success with weight loss hypnotherapy, I have decided to extend the services I offer to include gastric band hypnotherapy. I have been given a script by a hypnotherapist who has had great success with this in his 20 years of working in the industry. I look forward to extending my client base even further with this new method.
Why try hypnotherapy gastric band therapy? Read about the risks of an increased weight at the hypnotherapy directories website here and the answer will be clear to you... For your future health. To read more about gastric band hypnotherapy follow this link http://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/gastric-band.html What have you got to lose? Potentially a weight off your mind. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() Have you ever felt like you’re waiting at a bus stop for the right weight loss bus to come along? Sometimes you might even jump on a bus thinking it’s going to take you to the right destination only to discover yourself jumping off several stops later. I wonder what makes you try that that particular bus? Maybe the fancy selling techniques with promises of amazing results at your destination, or maybe they’ve discounted it? Did you ever look to see if you’d ever been on that bus before? What about taking the hypnotherapy ticket next time? You may be going back on that same old bus but this time you notice you have all your own skills packed in your bag to use along the journey. Not only that but when you get a few stops or even further you find you only want to jump off to get on the next leg of your journey. So now you’re not always ‘weighting to get off’ but ‘weighting’ to take that journey to a whole new you. For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK http://www.beckywells.com/weight-loss-packages.html ![]() After seeing a couple of clients today, it reminded me why I think I am good at what I do. With all my clients, whether they are hypnotherapy, Personal Training or sports massage clients, I try to put myself in their shoes, so to speak. No I don’t have some strange foot fetish before you start to wonder, I mean in the metaphorical sense. Let’s take, for example, a highly skilled executive that comes to see me. When I first met him he came across as bold, confident and sometimes quite abrupt. What I might find underneath is an unconfident introvert inside an extrovert shell. What I try to do with my skills is unravel the layers of protection that have been built up, a bit like an onion with its outer layer thickened by the environment. I help take the layers off one by one until I reach the centre, then, and almost as important, I help them to use those layers to make something even better. So if you would like a hand unpeeling that onion, I have the utensils to give you a hand. I’ll even give you a tissue if it makes your eyes water. As we know teardrops are made of 1% water ![]() If you are anything like me you’ll have hundreds of clothes in your cupboards and drawers but you are drawn to go out in the same comfy outfit. It’s a bit like some of those habits we picked up, nail biting, hair pulling, and maybe even blushing. So how have I helped people by using Hypnotherapy? By focusing on the positive aspects and replacing bad thought patterns with good ones in the subconscious, clients report almost instant relief as they feel free of the limiting habits. Do you have a habit you wish you could kick? Let me help you line up the goal posts to set up that perfect shot. Becky www.beckywells.com 07801 941949 [email protected] |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018