Have you ever seen the film 'Pay it Forward'? I was surprised how many people hadn't when I started to talk about it. It is basically about how one good deed deserves another but rather than returning the good deed to the same person, you suggest they do a good deed for someone else. Therefore you 'Pay it Forward'.
Little did I know until the other day that there is a 'Pay it Forward' Foundation. When I described how I'd done such a deed and tweeted about it. I was amazed and extremely honoured to get a message from Charley Johnson, the head of the pif foundation www.pifexperience.org. Let's get 'pif' rippling out across the UK. Just make one kind gesture and watch the ripple grow! Things have been steady growing work-wise and I can't believe it's been two months since I started the company! I'm looking into setting up a training branch at the moment and I have a meeting set up to discuss international clinics. I already have two people on a waiting list even though it's still only a thought in my head at the moment. There are lots of hypnotherapy clients booked in this week. I think they are all trying to squeeze in before my holiday! What's planned for the rest of the week? Thursday I'm up at my Harley Street clinic. Some of the Glamour magazine team are booked in for sports massage as their weekly mileage increases in preparation for the Great Parks half marathon. Their muscles are starting to wonder what's hit them! This is my 'Pay it Forward' moment this week. I have asked them, rather than paying me, to make a donation to MIND - the charity they are running the half marathon for. MIND can then use the money to help many individuals with mental health issues. And the ripple goes on! Don't forget to watch out for my new advert in Sussex Living this month. For information on hypnotherapy, sports therapy, and personal training in London (Harley Street), Sussex and Surrey please feel free to contact me Becky Becky Wells Director - Becky Wells Limited Ground Floor, No 2 Harley Street London W1G 9PA United Kingdom Website: www.BeckyWells.com Twitter: @beckyjoewells Contact telephone number +44 78901 941949 Company number. 8103758 Subscribe to my newsletters at http://eepurl.com/n8Svf
Well the sun had his hat on for part of the week! I’ve spent a lot of my spare time between seeing clients this week designing my new business advert, which will appear in Sussex Living magazine. Lee, the senior designer, must have the patience of a saint if all his clients are like me; I love the final results though. Don’t forget to pick up your September copy later in the month.
I decided to buy the book ‘The Secret’ this week as everyone has been saying how great it is. I decided to test its theory out when on Friday a client that I was seeing was obviously not in the right frame of mind for hypnotherapy. I rebooked them without charge, but as I walked out the building I thought of a new client to replace the lost revenue. Positive thoughts seemed to work as my phone rang and a client asked to be treated the same day. I obviously put an extra vibe in, as I also had a phone call about five new clients for me in Knightsbridge. So I need to think positively about a cheque for £100,000 landing in my hand with this month’s date on I reckon! I am trying to get to know the people of Sussex, so I’ve been busy with my twitter account, linking up to new people. It still amazes me that I can have a conversation with a total stranger on the other side of the world through this medium. Now I’m busy making sure I’ve seen everyone before I pop over to the States for ten days holiday. There will be rollercoasters, a private pool, and even a trip to Sea Discovery Cove and to down 15 feet in a diver’s glass helmet! With the start of school looming just around the corner, I’ve also been investigating the option of opening a training school. I’ve already managed to form links with some top level training facilities in Dubai and Bangkok. The ball will start rolling on this when I get back in September. And I’ve just picked up the keys for a new clinic at Borde Hill, very exciting! So this week, whether you want to lose weight, gain self-confidence, increase your self-esteem or some other reason that’s been nagging at you, give me a call. It costs nothing for a free consultation over the phone. There can’t be many Brits who aren’t proud of what’s happened in the last two weeks!
I have held my breath, shed tears of joy and sadness and smiled so much I think I could have lit up a Stadium. Well how to top that, we are all wondering now? Let’s allow that feeling to spill up over the top of the stadium and engulf the whole UK. We proved that working together is easy. Foreigners to our shores have commented on the friendliness and ease of their visit to this great Isle. So how can I follow that! My plan for the year is to make a difference, if I make a positive difference to just one person’s life; I will have succeeded. If I can help more, then everyone I see is just as important as the first. What’s planned for this week? Firstly just remembering to take a breath and enjoy breathing in the pride of the nation. These individuals we’ve watched jump, swim, run and shoot are just like YOU or I! They have trained their bodies and minds to overcome obstacles and setbacks by using these challenges to fuel their motivation to succeed. Changing yourself from the inside may not always be easy without a guiding hand. Hypnotherapy acts as that guiding hand, it reminds you, you’ve done it before and you can do it again. It helps you to grab that favourite memory you’d forgotten about from your past and helps you put it in your pocket for a rainy day. So that’s what I’ve got planned for the week. I’m going to help some individuals find that forgotten memory and store it for that rainy day in the future. For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training in London (Harley Street), Sussex and Surrey contact: Becky Wells Director - Becky Wells Limited Ground Floor, No 2 Harley Street London W1 United Kingdom Website: www.BeckyWells.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/Beckyjoewells Contact telephone number +44 7801 941949 Subscribe to my newsletters at http://eepurl.com/n8Svf Wow what a start to my first month of running my own business. It’s been a great mixture of Hypnotherapy, Personal Training, and Sports Massage. I’ve had a steady stream of new clients throughout July that has kept me from sunbathing too much (or was that the lack of sun!). I’m just finished working with Glamour magazine, taking them through a 7 week Matt Roberts ‘Training with You’ programme. On the final week Matt Roberts joined us in Berkeley Square for circuits and the photo shoot. I will miss going up to there on a Tuesday evening and working with such a highly motivated team. Glamour magazine are running the Great Parks Run in Oct for MIND, please sponsor them here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=GLAMOUR&isTeam=true Harley Street is really starting to pick up now as my profile page is up on the Harley Street Therapy Centres website here http://www.harleystreettherapycentre.co.uk/83/BeckyWells.html. I’m looking forward to meeting new clients up there this week. I had my first international client this week and still have ambitions to take my skills abroad. What’s planned for this week? Monday I’m off to Tulley’s Farm to attempt not to get lost in the Angry Birds maze. So if you don’t see any more blogs, send a search party. Tuesday I have an audition for a TV programme but it’s top secret and you’ll just have to wait and see what that’s all about. The rest of the week is filled with appointments, and maybe the odd time watching an hour or six of the Olympics! So you’ve got your bikinis, suntan cream and suitcase. Have you booked your ‘Training with You’ programme with me to get your beach body or set up a time to have hypnotherapy to build up that confidence or lose weight with the power of your subconscious? If not why not, give me a call, I promise I do not have a swinging pendulum or swirling eyes!! For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training in London (Harley Street), Sussex and Surrey contact Becky Wells at www.beckywells.com Becky Wells www.BeckyWells.com Follow me on twitter @beckyjoewells Give me a call 07801 941949 Subscribe to my newsletter at http://eepurl.com/n8Svf |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018