There can’t be many Brits who aren’t proud of what’s happened in the last two weeks!
I have held my breath, shed tears of joy and sadness and smiled so much I think I could have lit up a Stadium. Well how to top that, we are all wondering now? Let’s allow that feeling to spill up over the top of the stadium and engulf the whole UK. We proved that working together is easy. Foreigners to our shores have commented on the friendliness and ease of their visit to this great Isle. So how can I follow that! My plan for the year is to make a difference, if I make a positive difference to just one person’s life; I will have succeeded. If I can help more, then everyone I see is just as important as the first. What’s planned for this week? Firstly just remembering to take a breath and enjoy breathing in the pride of the nation. These individuals we’ve watched jump, swim, run and shoot are just like YOU or I! They have trained their bodies and minds to overcome obstacles and setbacks by using these challenges to fuel their motivation to succeed. Changing yourself from the inside may not always be easy without a guiding hand. Hypnotherapy acts as that guiding hand, it reminds you, you’ve done it before and you can do it again. It helps you to grab that favourite memory you’d forgotten about from your past and helps you put it in your pocket for a rainy day. So that’s what I’ve got planned for the week. I’m going to help some individuals find that forgotten memory and store it for that rainy day in the future. For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training in London (Harley Street), Sussex and Surrey contact: Becky Wells Director - Becky Wells Limited Ground Floor, No 2 Harley Street London W1 United Kingdom Website: Twitter: Contact telephone number +44 7801 941949 Subscribe to my newsletters at
![]() Wow what a start to my first month of running my own business. It’s been a great mixture of Hypnotherapy, Personal Training, and Sports Massage. I’ve had a steady stream of new clients throughout July that has kept me from sunbathing too much (or was that the lack of sun!). I’m just finished working with Glamour magazine, taking them through a 7 week Matt Roberts ‘Training with You’ programme. On the final week Matt Roberts joined us in Berkeley Square for circuits and the photo shoot. I will miss going up to there on a Tuesday evening and working with such a highly motivated team. Glamour magazine are running the Great Parks Run in Oct for MIND, please sponsor them here Harley Street is really starting to pick up now as my profile page is up on the Harley Street Therapy Centres website here I’m looking forward to meeting new clients up there this week. I had my first international client this week and still have ambitions to take my skills abroad. What’s planned for this week? Monday I’m off to Tulley’s Farm to attempt not to get lost in the Angry Birds maze. So if you don’t see any more blogs, send a search party. Tuesday I have an audition for a TV programme but it’s top secret and you’ll just have to wait and see what that’s all about. The rest of the week is filled with appointments, and maybe the odd time watching an hour or six of the Olympics! So you’ve got your bikinis, suntan cream and suitcase. Have you booked your ‘Training with You’ programme with me to get your beach body or set up a time to have hypnotherapy to build up that confidence or lose weight with the power of your subconscious? If not why not, give me a call, I promise I do not have a swinging pendulum or swirling eyes!! For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training in London (Harley Street), Sussex and Surrey contact Becky Wells at Becky Wells Follow me on twitter @beckyjoewells Give me a call 07801 941949 Subscribe to my newsletter at It was all lights cameras action last week in the life of Becky Wells. I was invited to an on-camera test for a new documentary with Back2Back productions. Absolutely loved the experience and although I didn’t get picked, would happily do it all over
again. The previous weekend I was lucky enough to be invited up to Matt Roberts Studio in Mayfair to train with his Personal Training teams from his London gyms. Great experience and learnt some extra tips for my personal training work. I Thought I’d demonstrate my hypnotherapy skills on Mark Dodson at Meridian 107FM’s local community station last week aswell. I used a suggestibility test and found out that Mark is a great candidate for hypnosis and I left him bemused at how words could make his fingers feel like they’re stuck together with invisible glue. After a great demo, I head off to the New York Coffee shop in East Grinstead for my regular Monday morning caffeine intake. It’s been a busy working week booking in lots of new hypnotherapy and sports massage clients. I have just put a new set of packages up on my website incorporating hypnotherapy and Personal Training. For more details feel free to take a look at I’m really enjoying getting involved with sport performance hypnotherapy, which is showing great results and I may have to investigate working with one or some of the local sports teams. What did I do this weekend? I’ve been over in Gran Canaria investigating treatments at a spa. The spa experience consisted of a series of 14 different rooms, including a womb room with a waterbeds and meditation music, a salt water pool to float in like the dead sea, an ice cave and a series of extreme hot and cold experiences over the course of four hours, It’s a tough job but someone needed to test all these treatments out. Set in an amazing hotel called the Lopesan Corallium Spa Costa Meloneras, just a few steps from the beach with the most amazing infinity pool I’ve ever seen! Listen out for me on the Breakfast show Meridian 107fm the Local Community radio station in East Grinstead on Monday mornings after 9am. For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training and soon acupuncture in Sussex and Surrey contact Becky Wells at Becky Wells Follow me on twitter @beckyjoewells Give me a call 07801 941949 |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018