![]() Not so long a go I visited a friend of mine who is a medium, who told me about some changes that would happen in my life. Now some of you may not believe in mediums. I am open to all experiences and it’s probably why I’ve ended up doing such amazing things in my life. I was looking at my bucket list today and realised that I have almost ticked everything off my list, so I’ll need to start a new one soon. So what’s left on my list? I’ve still got to buy my converted barn, so I think I may have to work 24:7 (or smartly) to achieve that by the end of 2013, or I need to find a rich husband (laughs out loud). Funnily enough I feel the first one is more likely, as I look in the mirror at this rather independent individual known as myself. Although I am still looking for that pint sized blonde snowboarder, but that’s another story. Have you got goals or a bucket list but not the self-confidence to go out and do them? Why not give me a call? Hypnotherapy may be life changing for you. It certainly was for me. Becky www.BeckyWells.com 07801 941949 [email protected]
![]() Today I went back to my fitness roots as I had booked myself on a group fitness-training course. If I had been told before that I could rest as much as I need I’d never have believed you could run a class like this and still feel like you’ve had the best workout ever. So what is this course? It was called ‘Metabolic effect’ training. To put it in a nutshell it focuses on changing the fat-burning hormonal response to exercise and diet. It does this by changing hormones. Rather than simply eating less or exercising more, the body naturally regulates fat burning, appetite, and mood so that motivation for exercise is enhanced while cravings for food are reduced. So how did I survive a whole day of exercise? Well I am pretty sure every magazine editor and team I’ve ever worked with, and all the Personal Training clients I have ever put through mountain climbers, squats and lunges, would be pleased to learn that I have done a few hundred of them today. It got to the point towards the end of the day when I was wondering if I could extend the rest time until the following Sunday. So watch out friends, I will be looking for willing volunteers to test this out on soon. So if you see me coming you might want to hide! Anyway I’m off to find a box or two of radox to soak in, as I have a feeling I may need a Zimmer frame to move tomorrow. To be continued …. Becky www.beckywells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Such a small word, but it can make a huge difference to how you go about your daily life. For example “if I go out and talk to that chairman of the local women’s group, I may create a whole new network of links”. In comparison to “When I go and see the Chairman, I will form new networks”. The self-doubting “if” is like a little nagging gremlin on your shoulder saying ‘what if they don’t like me; what if I can’t answer the questions they throw at me?’. I always go with the ”when”. ‘When’ I go to that meeting I know that I have a great foundation of knowledge from inspirational sources. I do not know everything and I know I am not expected to. I like my head to be small enough to still fit through a doorway. I also go there expecting to absorb more information from those I meet to make me an even better therapist. In the career I have chosen I always expect to learn, and I don’t mean from textbooks or courses. Take time to observe the people you work with, my job is never going to be 9-5 and to be honest. I’d have no idea what to do with my spare time if that was the case. Be a listener… be a ‘When’ person… not an ‘if’ person. I look forward to bumping into you ‘When’ our paths cross because I know they will. Becky For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK www.beckywells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() I always feel like one of the ants in 'Bug’s Life' when I head up to Central London like I did today. We all pile out of the train, follow a set route down the platform, back down another set of steps, down the escalators and into a shuttle which sees us doing this all in reverse. If your tube stop is suddenly closed, you see people’s anxiety levels rise before they head off on another, yet untested, route. A bit like life really? We go to school until 16 or 18, then maybe higher education or straight into work. How can most of us know, when we choose our life’s destiny at 16, what we really want to do? Some may, but a lot of people I speak to say “I trained and worked in this job for 20 years or more”. 'Are you happy' will be my next question? 'No' is quite frequently the answer. Now in 'Bugs Life', he dares to live his dream and head off to the unknown. Now I am not saying give up safety or security. What I am saying is go and explore other options. Maybe you’re that person with low self esteem that wants to do a job that requires you to stand up and be heard or wants to lose weight to take up that dream hobby or holiday location. Hypnotherapy allows you, in a safe and secure environment, to explore what your inner self is really like, and unlocks newfound exciting parts of you, that have been subdued by your conscious mind. You will probably find, like most of my clients, they have some great conversations with yourself under hypnosis. So if you want a hand stepping of the treadmill of life, even if you use it just as form of relaxation from your everyday life, call me. You never know, you might find like many, that you open yourself up to a whole new career, I did. Take a leaf out of Flik’s book from Bug’s life. Who knows, the world may discover it’s next Picasso, Hugh Grant or Raymond Blanc just by you allowing it a glimpse into the real you. Becky For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK www.beckywells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net 07801 941949 [email protected] You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the only one who'll decide where you'll go. ![]() I was listening to the local radio station this morning and they were talking about how, as we get older, we lose that childhood magic that encourages us to go out rollerskating, playing hide and seek in the local woods and leap frogging over the bollards. The radio station said ‘we all feel as we get old we need to grow up’. Someone forgot to tell me. Some of my friends see me as a 21st century Peter Pan. Does that bother me? No. I’m pleased. I hope that having magic in my life gives people a sprinkle of fairy dust to go and do the same. I went out rollerskating the other day with a friend and felt the same excitement that I did 20 years ago. If my friends’ kids ask me to play hide and seek, I am the first to climb in the washing basket to hide. That Peter Pan spirit is what has lead me on my amazing journey. How many of you have wished upon that second star to the right? I wished, I flew and I’ve been there and done that and I’ll probably head back to Neverland several times this year taking a few friends along the way. So if you want to go a round of ‘follow my leader’ with me, let me unlock your inner child. Mine is an Elf and a cheeky one at that. So grab my hand, a quick sprinkle of Tinkerbell’s dust, and we’ll be off. Becky www.beckywells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net 07801 941949 [email protected] For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, ![]() I was sitting watching the TV this evening and was struck by the number of shows that put pressure on the contestants to just go one more round further. ‘Exploiting people’s emotions’ I hear some of you say! ‘Isn’t that just like life’, I hear others say. It got me thinking about how many times in life we take these types of risk anyway. A lot of the time I would guess! How many times have you bought something unseen from the Internet because the offer seems so good, or maybe you’ve changed careers from a well-paid job to a voluntary or low income job? Was it a risk? Maybe? Yes? Probably? But does this stop you? I decided several years ago that life is worth living to its fullest. When I was 18 I had major surgery on my back, which prevented me from doing what I thought was my dream job. Once I’d got myself back to full fitness, both physically and mentally, I realised I could do anything I like, if I put my mind to it. I also chose to resign from a well-paid government job and take up a job that paid half what I was getting. Now after several years, I have the most amazing career and I get to do something I love, helping others. Ten to fifteen years ago therapy was seen as something strange and maybe to some it still is. Personally I would never be afraid of going to see a therapist if I had worries. In fact the hypnotherapy register I belong to actively encourages its members to have regular sessions with other therapists. If you’re sitting there juggling two metaphorical boxes in front of you, why not give me a call to see if I can help you. Becky www.beckywells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net 07801 941949 [email protected] For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() So they say we can link ourselves to everyone in the world by a maximum of six degrees of separation? Well let’s try it. How can I be linked to Tom Cruise? I have done some work as Associate Personal Trainer for Matt Roberts. Matt Roberts has trained Mel C, Mel C is friends and part of the same girl group as Victoria Beckham. Victoria Beckham is married to David Beckham who is good friends with Tom Cruise. Well would have thought it he never calls or phones when we are linked so closely (laughs out loud) It just shows you also what a small world it really is and how friendship can be shared all around the world without a second thought. Do you ever take the time to sit and talk to your friends or are you someone who unloads everything on them? Some people lack the confidence to tell their story, why not allow the quietest person in the group to lead the conversation one day. You may be surprised at the life changing thoughts they have been afraid to share. If you’re that quiet person and feel you don’t have the confidence to speak up get help to overcome it. Hypnotherapy can help to raise your confidence and self esteem. You may not realise it but many top individuals still have underlying confidence issues. They’ve just learnt how to override it with their conscious mind. Wouldn’t it be an amazing if you could feel confident enough to stand up and say, “This is how I’d do it”. Who knows where or what you might end up doing! If you would like help with confidence or self-esteem, give me a call Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] www.BeckyWells.com ![]() Well we didn’t have five gold rings last year but the five rings that featured heavily in the news definitely brought a lot of golds home to the Great British team. How do they achieve such amazing feats of athleticism and stamina? Well generally a lot of hard work and a great support team around them. Do you have to be a top athlete or celebrity to have that type of help? The answer is definitely NO. There are Personal Trainers, Sports Therapists, Hypnotherapists and sports coaches all around your area. You just have to Google these days to find them or ask for a recommendation from a friend or family member. I am trained in all three which allows me to take someone from maybe an unfit, unmotivated or even unsure to wherever their hearts and minds want to lead them. I like to think of myself as a stepping-stone helping them along the way. If I can’t help I will always try to recommend someone who can. If you would like a helping hand along that path, why not give me a call and see if I can help you on your journey. As Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Becky www.BeckyWells.com + 44 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() First day of appointments in the New Year, up bright and early seeing my first client at 7:30am. After my first appointment I headed off from Burgess Hill cross country to Horsham to train the team from the West Sussex magazine ETC and County Times magazine. Luckily they are a very enthusiast group, which always makes my job easier. Although I don't think I'll ever be able to think about Rhinos in the same way again, thanks to Mark Dunsford!! My mission now is to give Simon Robb the washboard abs he desires for the summer. So can hypnotherapy help with fitness and weight loss? The answer is yes in a lot of cases. I have worked with a number of people in the past couple of years by changing their habits through hypnotherapy. For example by hypnotising them to stop eating chocolate and sweet stuff, stopping comfort eating, and so on. The list is endless. I offer a combination of hypnotherapy and fitness advice which is combination that will help to change your mind, change your habits and change your life. Other exciting news is that the Pay it a Forward bands have arrived, all 5000 of them. If you have an idea for a Pay it Forward let me know, If I can help I will. Why not drop me a line? I love to hear your comments Becky [email protected] www.BeckyWells.com ![]() With all the colds and coughs around I think I should wish everyone a speedy return to full health and fitness. I was just sitting down and wondering where the last 10 days went. One minute it's Christmas Eve and the next everyone is talking about going back to work. I had good intentions to get lots done, good intentions unfortunately did not translate into actions until now! I love to be organised in my work, so I have spent the last two days updating my accounts, filing paperwork and clearing the build-up of post-it notes! Have you ever wondered what hypnotherapy may help with? Here's just a few of them, each day I'll add a few more the list. Being More Confident Be More Outgoing Blushing Confidence Increasing Self Esteem A lot of people wonder if they can be hypnotised? All I will say to you is - have you been driving and wondered how you got to a certain place without remembering the middle part of the journey? Your subconscious mind was fully in control, it's an amazing part of us which controls things we do without us having to be consciously aware of it! Do you wonder if hypnotherapy can help you? Drop me a line or call and ask me. I would love to hear from you. [email protected] 07801 941949 www.beckywells.com |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018