![]() After a lovely ten-day break in Florida, I now feel thoroughly recharged and ready to take up my pen and paper. There is nothing like swimming with thousands of fish, rays and sharks to make you realise how close we really are to nature, or riding a coaster which takes you through various g-forces! Where is your favourite place to relax? Some may find it’s the beach, others a room in their own home. When I see clients for hypnotherapy I use their favourite resting place to increase their relaxed state. My favourite is a sandy beach with my toes just by the edge of the water and the waves almost tickling my toes as they’re gently drawn back into the sea. Do you find it hard to relax? Hypnotherapy can show you how to relax. I work with many individuals who, due to work stress, home stress or just plan stress, just can’t relax. Their bodies just go into a vicious circle. They are unable to sleep due to thoughts in their heads, then unable to work effectively due to insomnia. Hypnotherapy can help put them back in control of their thoughts. Most people I’ve seen for hypnotherapy say they get the best night’s sleep ever following the session. You’d think I’d not been up to much else whilst lazing on loungers and riding rollercoasters. Bet while I was away and after email conversations with Charley Johnson, the President of the Global Pay it Forward Foundation, (www.pifexperience.org) I have now set up a ‘Pay it Forward’ UK group. What is ‘Pay it Forward’? Years ago I watched a film called ‘Pay it Forward’. It was based on a true story of a social studies class that was set an assignment to change the world. One of the young class members decided his project was to be to ‘Pay it Forward’. Do a good deed for three people and instead of expecting a reward you ask them each to ‘Pay it Forward’ to three more people and so it continues like a small ripple getting bigger and bigger. Charley Johnson has taken it one step further by offering a bracelet as a reminder of the deed; we will have 10,000 of these in the UK soon. If you are an individual or a company interested in sponsoring the bracelets in the UK please contact me through my web page www.payitforwarduk.net Don’t forget to let us know your PIF experience when giving and receiving apart from the web page you can also follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/payitforwarduk Don’t forget to use hashtag #pifuk when tweeting about your ‘Pay it Forward’ experience or email us at [email protected]. What’s in the diary for my first week back? On Monday I’m taking up a new hobby, I’ll leave it till the next blog to tell you all about that. I’m off to see five new personal training clients in Knightsbridge on Monday evening. Then Thursday hopefully will be meeting up with one of the board members from the Pay It Forward foundation. For hypnotherapy, sports massage and personal training appointments please contact me via any of the details below. I look forward to hearing from you. Becky Director - Becky Wells Limited Ground Floor, No 2 Harley Street London W1 United Kingdom Website: www.BeckyWells.com Twitter: @beckyjoewells Contact telephone number +44 7801 941949 Subscribe to my newsletters at http://eepurl.com/n8Svf
I am thinking of investing in a canoe to get between clients if the rain continues. What a start to summer (or glummer) as I heard it called.
Have you ever wondered what hypnotherapy can be used for? I would ask that the other way round. What can't it be used for? Weight loss is one of the areas hypnotherapy can complement and enhance other forms of training such as personal training, pilates and yoga. It gets to the the heart of the matter and can help to change years of bad habits, replacing them with positive ones. I have recently been working with several clients who, by changing their lifestyle and eating habits, lost between 10 and 17 pounds over an eight week period. Confidence and self esteem is another area where people seem to bloom steadily as the sessions progress. For me the reward of seeing someone grow is so motivational and inspires me a little bit more every time. What's planned for this week? Glamour magazine team have taken the Royal Great Parks Half Marathon challenge by the horns and are taking their training shoes all round the world. They took their Asics trainers to Australia on a photo shoot. There's dedication for you! Tuesday they are training in Berkeley Square with myself and Vicky from Matt Roberts 'Training with You'. It's going fantastically well. They've been using muscles in their bodies they didn't even know they had. I'm off to Harley Street to see clients on Thursday. Then topping the week off with a trip to Longines Royal International Horse Show at Hickstead. I went last year for the first time and was so impressed by the events and exhibitors that I am looking forward to this year even more. In the British tradition I am going whatever the weather. That's why 'Hunters' were invented. Becky Wells [email protected] www.beckywells.com T 07801 941949 Twitter @beckyjoewells facebbok.com/beckywellslimited Sunday evenings seem to come round way too quickly these days; it’s obviously true that as you get older time seems to
fly. It’s been a busy week again and it’s not looking like it’s going to get any quieter soon. I am lucky enough to be able to say I love what I do. After my unexpected start to the week meeting Mr Peter Andre at the New York Coffee Shop in East Grinstead, the week just kept improving. Saturday I decided that it was time to try my hand at being Robin Hood, with my parents and sister in tow. I booked archery at Priory events in Redhill, I think I might need a little bit more practice before the Olympics. Hypnotherapy sessions are being booked well in advance now. The main sessions being booked at the moment are weight loss but I have also had enquiries about using it for postural control, sports performance with footballers and stress relief. On the website I have now set up a package deal which includes both Personal Training and hypnotherapy for weight loss. I watched a fascinating video on being an introvert on the Conviviality website; this was also an article in the April Psychologies magazine. It was one of those videos and articles which makes you think “so that’s why I do that and I thought it was just me”. What’s planned for this week? I’m off to London again Saturday to attend a follow up training session with Matt Roberts and the Conviviality team at his Mayfair studio. Who knows what other little adventures will pop up this week, as my friends will tell you, life is always unique and never dull when you’re friends with me. Don’t forget to have a look on Facebook and ‘like’ the BeckyWells.com page, Matt Roberts Personal Training page and Conviviality page. For information on hypnotherapy, sports massage, personal training and soon acupuncture in Sussex and Surrey contact Becky Wells at www.beckywells.com Follow me on twitter @beckyjoewells Give me a call 07801 941949 |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018