![]() I was just reading this article about how smartphones are the way to lose weight? It got me thinking. The studies indicated that clients using the apps showed an average weight loss of 10lbs in six months. What it didn’t suggest is combining two or three solutions together to form a perfect package for each individual. How about a weight loss app combined with hypnotherapy to change habits? Or even both the above with a personalised training programme? Training doesn’t have to involve a gym. I walk and exercise my dog ever day. Fitness and fresh air, what more could you ask for? So why just a smart app? Make yourself the smart ‘app’ by choosing the right “clicks” to make your body work effectively? Original article from the medical express http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-04-smartphone-weight.html For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK
![]() A healthy mind can lead to an increased quality of life. Why? Because you find yourself more able to deal with issues when those arguments in your head are not fighting against each other. I agree with Sunny Chai that almost everyone has the ability to and knowledge from within to change their quality of life for the better. As hypnotherapist or other therapist we act as facilitators guiding the clients to find their own solutions or understanding new pathways of positive change. Hypnotherapy I believe allows the body and mind to reach a deeper state of relaxation where it has that ‘I knew that’ moment. http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/04/15/hypnotherapy-can-help-resolve-many-of-lifes-problems/ For more information CLICK For bookings CLICK ![]() After seeing a couple of clients today, it reminded me why I think I am good at what I do. With all my clients, whether they are hypnotherapy, Personal Training or sports massage clients, I try to put myself in their shoes, so to speak. No I don’t have some strange foot fetish before you start to wonder, I mean in the metaphorical sense. Let’s take, for example, a highly skilled executive that comes to see me. When I first met him he came across as bold, confident and sometimes quite abrupt. What I might find underneath is an unconfident introvert inside an extrovert shell. What I try to do with my skills is unravel the layers of protection that have been built up, a bit like an onion with its outer layer thickened by the environment. I help take the layers off one by one until I reach the centre, then, and almost as important, I help them to use those layers to make something even better. So if you would like a hand unpeeling that onion, I have the utensils to give you a hand. I’ll even give you a tissue if it makes your eyes water. As we know teardrops are made of 1% water ![]() How many times have you enjoyed a meal so much that you finished your plate even though you were full up. An uncomfortable feeling creeps up on you and you still have to take that one extra mouthful. We’ve all done it. I did it tonight. I’m feeling like a Buddha-shaped girl. Many people have a compulsion to over eat. It’s not something they can help. Actually in most cases it’s just a habit that has become out of control due to any number of reasons. Maybe that’s you. So if I asked you what caused your excessive eating you might say “I do it when I am upset”, “It started when I retired”, “When I lost my job” or another life changing and upsetting event. Hypnotherapy allows you to access your own subconscious mind where your bad habits and your bad life experiences are stored. Working with your hypnotherapist these issues are examined and demystified. In a safe environment, you are taught to relax and allow your subconscious mind to open up and make a positive effect on your future behavior around food. So put down that knife and fork, take a few deep breaths and give me a call. Hypnotherapy is an ancient, safe and effective tool that helps you use the power of your subconscious mind to enhance your conscious daily life. It can soothe fears, mend uncomfortable thoughts and bring you closer to the person you want to be and CAN be. Becky www.BeckyWells.com 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Today I’ve been putting the West Sussex County Times reporters through their exercise paces using Matt Roberts ‘Training with You’ programme. A great team who you can tell all have a passion for local stories and work well as a team. Which is lucky considering the amount of banter that flies between them! You can watch the video of some of their antics http://www.wscountytimes.co.uk/news/health/county-times-reporters-get-into-shape-1-4669558 Do you ever stop and ask your friends and family how they are? Or do you off-load all your problems and then run. It’s so important to listen as well. Have you ever thought that the person you are pouring out all your problems to, may be having the same problems? I am lucky that I have a great group of friends who do. The New Year’s been off to a flying start for me. Lots of appointments are building up in my diary. Including a whole mixture of hypnotherapy, personal training and massage. Some people ask me why I choose to do those three together. It seems to me to be the perfect mix. I can take someone from an injury, train them and then use hypnotherapy to help overcome any underlying issues. So I hope your year is going well so far. Don’t forget, as I’ve said before, help everyone you are able to. You never know where that connection will lead you. The Pay it Forward thought for today from the Pay it Forward App “Do something kind for yourself and invite a friend to join you” Let’s make kindness the norm, not the exception. Becky [email protected] 07801 941949 www.BeckyWells.com / www.payitforwarduk.net ![]() Did you also know there are four calories per gram in Carbohydrates and protein, 7 calories in a gram of alcohol. What do all these things do for our body? Well in layman’s terms…. Carbohydrates could be likened to the wood on a fire; it provides us with energy. Simple carbohydrates such as cakes and fruit could be described as the small twigs on a fire, quick to burn out. They lack the vital minerals, vitamins and fibre to sustain our body. Rice, pasta, potatoes are known as complex carbohydrates. They take longer to burn and sustain our body for longer. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and used by the body. So why do we need fat then? Fat provides much needed energy. It would be very difficult to eat the large amounts of food in a very low fat diet and get all the energy you need. It also makes food taste less bland. Fat protects your organs, keeps you warm and helps your body absorb and move nutrients around. It also helps hormone production. Over centuries of evolution our body still hangs onto the fact that we may run out of food. So excess is stored on our bodies. Just in case the supermarkets run out, you’ve seen it in human behavior. They predict snow in the UK for a day and the shelves empty (just in case it’s actually the start of the new ice age)!! Protein can be thought of as the builder and building material for the body. Our body’s nerves, tissues, bones all are made up of proteins. So proteins become very necessary for them to grow and repair. You can think of them as your construction crew building, crafting and ensuring your body stays in the best state possible. So just to finish it off here are a few top tips with food. Fruits are great but they are still sugar so they can play havoc with your insulin levels. Eat the skins of apples, pears etc. The skin helps the body break it down more slowly making your body burn more energy in the process. An average apple can contain something like 90 calories, it may take 110 calories to digest it skin and all, therefore a negative calorie loss of 20 calories just from eating! In theory a pound of body fat equates to around 3500 calories Don’t overcook you vegetables for the same reason, if you overcook them they are already starting to break down before they’ve even hit the stomach. Again it makes the body work harder. Make sure you drink water regularly, thirst can sometimes be misinterpreted as hunger. A healthy diet and regular exercise, which doesn’t have to be in a gym, can have some amazing results. I have worked with a number of groups last year where the participants have eaten healthy and exercised regularly often more than before and lost not only weight but also changed their body shape considerably. Let’s work on making our nation of convenience into a national of confident individuals, proud of who they are and what they’ve achieved, by just going back to the basics. Becky [email protected] 07801 941949 www.BeckyWells.com ![]() Seven days have already passed of this New Year. How many of you have already been tempted by one of the seven deadly sins? Pride has been called the sin from which all the others arise. Pride may also be known as Vanity. Were you offered help but your pride stopped you accepting it? Hypnotherapy for pride may help develop a personal pride that is needed in building up self-image, self-confidence and the ability to allow others to help whilst still feeling in control. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Have you watched other people and been envious of all that they are doing? Do you forget all the amazing stuff that you actually achieved yourself? Again with hypnotherapy for envy, it may be that one of the sessions is to do with self-esteem, allowing the individual’s subconscious mind to realise all the things it already has. Gluttony is a desire to consume more than one requires. Do you eat just because it’s in front of you, feel full and carry on eating? There are many ways of working with food issues using hypnotherapy. We look at past events which have lead to the food issues, to some of my clients favorite ones, avoiding sweet stuff completely. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Again there are many ways hypnotherapy may help with all sexual issues such as teaching relaxation techniques to preventing over excitement. Anger also known as Wrath. Hypnotherapy can be used in many situations, from teaching someone how to stay in control using relaxation techniques. A good example of this is road rage, being able to control your temper instead of getting angry at another driver or pedestrian. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of spiritual gain. Are you always trying to gain that extra dollar no matter what the consequences? Hypnotherapy can help you to learn to slow down and allows others to gain. Have you ever helped someone and later found out they will help you in the future more than you can ever imagine That older person in the street, might just be the Mother or Father of someone who will change your life because you did a good deed with no material gain. Again it may be using hypnotherapy to help you gain the confidence to make that connection. Sloth or extreme laziness is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. If you lack confidence this can come across as laziness or maybe fear of the unknown. Hypnotherapy may help with fear, anxiety, and confidence issues. Hypnotherapy is used for so many reasons, it really isn’t some form of medieval magic. It just helps the conscious mind to relax and allow the amazing subconscious mind to work at its best. Why not give me a call to book that first session. I am currently based in Harley Street London and Sussex. Let’s start to break down those deadly sins. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] www.BeckyWells.com ![]() So they say we can link ourselves to everyone in the world by a maximum of six degrees of separation? Well let’s try it. How can I be linked to Tom Cruise? I have done some work as Associate Personal Trainer for Matt Roberts. Matt Roberts has trained Mel C, Mel C is friends and part of the same girl group as Victoria Beckham. Victoria Beckham is married to David Beckham who is good friends with Tom Cruise. Well would have thought it he never calls or phones when we are linked so closely (laughs out loud) It just shows you also what a small world it really is and how friendship can be shared all around the world without a second thought. Do you ever take the time to sit and talk to your friends or are you someone who unloads everything on them? Some people lack the confidence to tell their story, why not allow the quietest person in the group to lead the conversation one day. You may be surprised at the life changing thoughts they have been afraid to share. If you’re that quiet person and feel you don’t have the confidence to speak up get help to overcome it. Hypnotherapy can help to raise your confidence and self esteem. You may not realise it but many top individuals still have underlying confidence issues. They’ve just learnt how to override it with their conscious mind. Wouldn’t it be an amazing if you could feel confident enough to stand up and say, “This is how I’d do it”. Who knows where or what you might end up doing! If you would like help with confidence or self-esteem, give me a call Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] www.BeckyWells.com ![]() Well we didn’t have five gold rings last year but the five rings that featured heavily in the news definitely brought a lot of golds home to the Great British team. How do they achieve such amazing feats of athleticism and stamina? Well generally a lot of hard work and a great support team around them. Do you have to be a top athlete or celebrity to have that type of help? The answer is definitely NO. There are Personal Trainers, Sports Therapists, Hypnotherapists and sports coaches all around your area. You just have to Google these days to find them or ask for a recommendation from a friend or family member. I am trained in all three which allows me to take someone from maybe an unfit, unmotivated or even unsure to wherever their hearts and minds want to lead them. I like to think of myself as a stepping-stone helping them along the way. If I can’t help I will always try to recommend someone who can. If you would like a helping hand along that path, why not give me a call and see if I can help you on your journey. As Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Becky www.BeckyWells.com + 44 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() First day of appointments in the New Year, up bright and early seeing my first client at 7:30am. After my first appointment I headed off from Burgess Hill cross country to Horsham to train the team from the West Sussex magazine ETC and County Times magazine. Luckily they are a very enthusiast group, which always makes my job easier. Although I don't think I'll ever be able to think about Rhinos in the same way again, thanks to Mark Dunsford!! My mission now is to give Simon Robb the washboard abs he desires for the summer. So can hypnotherapy help with fitness and weight loss? The answer is yes in a lot of cases. I have worked with a number of people in the past couple of years by changing their habits through hypnotherapy. For example by hypnotising them to stop eating chocolate and sweet stuff, stopping comfort eating, and so on. The list is endless. I offer a combination of hypnotherapy and fitness advice which is combination that will help to change your mind, change your habits and change your life. Other exciting news is that the Pay it a Forward bands have arrived, all 5000 of them. If you have an idea for a Pay it Forward let me know, If I can help I will. Why not drop me a line? I love to hear your comments Becky [email protected] www.BeckyWells.com |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018