So what did I do today? I walked with a pair of lions in a wildlife park for an hour. Then I went in and met a pair of cheetahs and a small pride of young lions. If you get the chance to go to Mauritius I can highly recommend it.
The best way to see Mauritius is by being taken round the island by a Mauritian. Ragoo our driver from Whites Sands Tours took us to see the seven sands, the Hindu temple and sacred lake, an extinct volcano and a breath taking waterfall. Such diversity on a small island. All cultures interacting peacefully and the crops they grow appear around every corner. If you get the chance to go there, try to see the real Mauritius as well as what the tour books say.
Travelling to lands a far, the thing which always strike me is how most of the cultures know the English language.
Now it may end up with strange interpretations sometimes, like tonight when I ended up with two desserts. As I cannot speak another language to any degree, I take my hat off to them. Maybe I should make it a new to do, on my bucket list to learn a foreign language before this time next year. The question is which one should I choose? How many different languages do you know? Hypnotherapy has been used in the past to increase learning abilities. I should get one of my Hypno friends to try it on me. I'll let you know if I can speak another language this time next year. You never quite know where you're going to end up when you step on a boat in a foreign country.
After a 20 min boat trip today I ended up in a place called 'ill aux cerf', which turned out to be a public beach with turquoise blue waters. On the way back we picked up the rest of his family from another part of islands. Interesting place...yes. Would I go there again, probably not. There are fantastic beaches a lot nearer the hotel. Still haven't found Nemo yet either So off into the sunset I went today on my trusty stead called 'Too Fast', they only told me his name and that he was an ex race horse after I'd been out for the ride.
Something quite magical about riding a horse although a sandy beach as the sun sets. Pleased I managed to find the brakes though. Do you have dreams, a bucket list or a to do list in 2013? What's on your list? Tomorrow I chuck myself into a blue lagoon full of fish and critters. Watch out for the next instalment. So after two plane flights and a 5 hour wait at Dubai. I have finally arrived in Mauritius.
Did you know that's where all the Prince's tuna comes from? Nope neither did I. How many times do we think about how far something or someone has travelled to see us. How many people were involved in ensuring a smooth operation. Not many of us I suspect. Now look at yourself, look how far you've travelled. Do you wish you'd done something differently or take control of a situation. Now is the time, time to spread your wings. If you need a hand them you know where I am (Mauritius). Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] In transit
Travelling today across continents and time zones I've spent time watching those around me. Amazing how some people can talk without words. Knowing instinctively what the other is thinking. Others almost blinkered to the affect they have on others. I may never be the loudest person in the room but I have a good idea of what's going on. On this wiggly line called life, stop occasionally and just check those around are ok. The amazing thing is you don't even have the speak the same language to make a difference. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Yes, as most of us in West Sussex and surrounding areas know, we had snow yesterday but I do not want to dwell on that. What it showed was the rallying around of communities in appalling conditions. I watched the antics on Facebook and Twitter develop throughout the night and by late evening when people had been stuck on the Motorway and A roads for several hours, the locals rallied together, even though they did not know each other, to put together efforts to get provisions to the stranded. It reminded me of stories my Nan still tells me of families and neighbours looking after each other. I imagine for those of you reading this that were born in the 80’s or before you can remember the neighbours all knowing each other and stopping to share the time of day. I love the summer, where neighbours appear and conversations continue over the fence. Use the social media to keep in contact, but more importantly don’t forget to go and have a coffee with friends, neighbours and family occasionally. Need that confidence to be able to go out and talk to the neighbours? Then hypnotherapy may help. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() I may be a bit of clown but being funny has it serious points. Have you ever seen the film ‘Patch Adams’, the Doctor who helped people with laughter? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. It’s based on a true story and the real Patch Adams is still going strong and heads up the Gesundheit Institute in the USA Google it, it’s an amazing place and a really inspirational concept. In every job I’ve done, I always try to bring a sense of humour and by bringing people together with humour; you find that any job can be fun. I remember a version of Thriller reinacted down a hospital corridor in my previous job and God only knows the number of outfits I’ve changed into whilst teaching Aqua. I will continue to try and raise a smile and bring people together because that is what I do. Feel free to join me if you dare, who knows one day I might get to visit the Gesundheit Institute. I’m sure I’ll fit in rather well there, don’t you? Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] ![]() Mother’s Day is a chance for generations to get together, or maybe a time to reminisce about those no longer with us, who still hold a place in our hearts. I see a piece of each of my family in me. I have gained the cheekiness of my Dad and unfortunately his terrible one-liner sense of humour. From my Mum, that sense of caution. Maybe in the future I will even learn how to give the ‘LOOK’ that only a parent can give a child. Family and friends are like heart-beats. Each helps to form a solid life energy spurring us through dark days, and empty nights. Our friends may change over years, but our family is always there, listening and advising. As Alex Haley once said, “In every conceivable manner the family is a link to the past and a bridge to the future” Let’s enjoy that crossing. And even if we have to look back to remember those left behind on the bridge of time, remember we’re just showing them how the lessons they taught us will be carried in our hearts forever. "You’ve got to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you’ve got, and remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget. Learn from mistakes, but never regrets" ~ unknown ![]() What are your views on social media? Do you wake up in the morning and check what the weather is doing before opening the curtains? Or have a quick peek at Facebook to see what everyone is up to? I will admit I would probably be lost without most of these web sites. I love to catch up with friends around the world. How would I have ever even have found them without social media? What about all the things that we put on these sites? Only put on what you would say to someone in person. Stuff on the Internet remains there forever. I love to make people laugh, question things and enjoy life to the max. If one of my posts hits a note, enjoy and go with it, if it leads you to another question, feel free to ask me. So I will continue to Twitter, Facebook and blog. I hope you stay along for the journey. I may well drag you out for a trip some days, so watch out. Becky 07801 941949 [email protected] |
AuthorBecky lives in West Sussex, UK and is a Therapist using hypnosis, Psy-TaP, Kinetic Shift and Mindscaping. Please feel free to explore the website to learn more about her. Archives
November 2018